Saturday, September 5, 2009

Further updates on meet-ups in NYC

Alright, so my internet has been out of commission for a month and I've been in and out of town with the new semester of school looming ever closer. In short, I have had no time for diapers even in my own apartment. I hadn't even checked my diaper specific email since like ... the end of July or something.

Anyhow, I just checked it. As it turns out, I missed a meet-up on August 15th. Three people made it out ... but not all at the same time. One got there earlier than the others and had to leave before they arrived. I really should have been there. This is mortifyingly lame.

Anyway, the third time is the charm, and the next meet is going to be the big one. Here is the email I sent out:

Jeez guys, bummer about the meet! Then again, it was still ever-so slightly better attended than last time when it was just me and Nicole. I really should have been there ... I started this group after all. What sucks is that my internet has been out of commission for a month and I've been in and out of town with the new semester of school looming ever closer. In short, I have had no time for diapers even in my own apartment. I hadn't even checked this email since like ... the end of July or something. Anyway, the third time is the charm, and the next meet is going to be the big one.

So I'm making an official announcement! Monday, September 28th at 5 PM, the group will be meeting at Penn Station! I am completely, totally 100% guaranteed to be there if you show up, even if no one else does. No one is going to get stood up because I'm clearing my schedule, which the ageplayers among you may be pleased to note is a very adult looking black moleskine with some very kindergarten looking dinosaur stickers on it.

The crisp autumn weather should be awesome if it doesn't rain, because late September is absolutely my favorite time of year to be in New York City. Even if it rains, we'll go somewhere and get warm drinks, the perfect activity for an autumn afternoon.

I urge anyone who doesn't have anything planned for that day to discreetly mark it as booked in whatever little appointment thing they have. It's like, a month away. We can't all be that busy. We've got enough people on the list now that it should be a pretty surefire bet that two or three people besides me have no plans yet.

Anyhow, I was kind of thinking as I was reading the discussion about identifying each other that there should be an official signifier. I know that this has been talked about before, and that the conclusion is that the whole diaper community isn't going to be able to agree on a universal symbol. So, as the person got this whole email group started, I was thinking that there should be one for our group. I'm going to get a bunch a round, white pins (like circular badges, you know?) made with a letter "D" on them. They will be totally unobtrusive because D is the first letter in a lot of words, and white is the color of a lot of things. We'll know it means diapers though, which means that our little meet up will be able to recognize each other. Anyway, anyone who shows up on September 28th will get one.



I have a good feeling about this one. If you are a diapered, pantswetting, or all-around-kinky teen-through-twenty-something in the area: is the place to get involved and help make this a success.